recurring microstories


          Yesterday I saw a bee posing its stinger on a flower. I thought the flower would hurt, but I was wrong, it liked it.


He gave her everything he had. Today in his chest only the echoes of the beats are palpitating.

The impossible end

          They got married and lived happily ever after.


          I killed him with three words. He was bleeding on the floor. Now you know how much words hurt.

Naked Kings

          They were just crowned. They slowly undressed to descoronate each other. When they saw themselves totally naked they could not stop looking at each other.

Breezes of Saturn

          Scientists claim that Saturn's environment is toxic, unbreathable. Will there be people who carry Saturn's air inside them?


          I show up online for five minutes and I'm inundated with messages. I better go to another shore, before I drown.

Some others

Some succeed. Others like me, recurrently....we try.


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