Arrows and roses

When food touches the ground, you shouldn't eat it, it gets filled with germs. Here I am, lying on the ground, with germs scaling my edges, climbing up into my belly.  I don't feel them, but I'm sure they're trying to get into me, get into some badly closed wound to infect me, I hope they don't find that entrance. That cut I made on my finger with the thorns of a sharp rose that I had to give you. It was when I was disarming that flower that I cut myself. However, that doesn't explain how I got to the ground, how I got here with the germs, placing the doors of my bowels at their height. As I removed the thorns from the flower, I touched one of the thorns, the one that cut off my finger, the one that went deep. I stopped in front of the window. My gaze was lost, lost like the bullet that hit me. It didn't come from anywhere, it just appeared there to hurt me like nothing and lay me on the floor. That's how I got to the floor. I held the flower in my hand, its stem is stained with the blood of my finger. I hear the lights, they lift me up, I can't hold the flower. In case I don't come back, I want you to know, that the flower is for you.
F. JaBieR


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