Micro tales of the different

The hand
His mother used to tell him that the fingers of one hand are not all the same, so that he would understand that we are all different, even though we come from the same origin. However, when his middle finger began to grow exaggeratedly, the only thing people saw in him was the difference.

Tortuous talent
She could do thousands of things, she had all kinds of abilities. The best of them, walking head down holding her whole body on her hands. When she didn't know what to do with all of her, she entered the circus, where she spent her whole life walking on her hands.

Everyone except him.
Everyone except her.
And among them, they don't know each other either.

The field/the stadium/the track/the swimming pool

He sits on the bench, while the others play.

The portrait
I saw him every day at school, in training, in the showers.... That was where he could best admire the splendour of the Greek gods, the contractures of a man put in place. He was similar, but different, so much so, that his light lived in the darkest place.

 Friends 4ever
They were friends from the first moment. A unique bond united them. It seemed that nothing could separate them. But obviously, that was a mistake. When you are different, love unites, but it also separates.

The lenses
Everything in the world triggered her imagination like a button of colored confetti. Coincidentally no one else saw things as she did. She felt alone in a myopic world.

They were all different, each one of them, and that was the same in all of them.

Hazel Eyes
When his eyes opened at birth, a dispute began, a debate over the inconsistent color in his eyes. As he grew his eyes became the everything to him. He was like his eyes, he adapted to the environment, but he did not belong to it. He never belonged to spaces, nor spaces to him. Neither the ideas, nor the people, nor the houses, nor the streets. He was escaped in everything, changing his pupil of colors. He, the different one, the rare one, the marginalized one, the one outside the norm, the one who does not act and do things like the others. He became famous selling his works of art, paintings with a luxury of details that enjoyed reality. In the most important exhibition, he returned to the place that saw him grow, to the place that marked him as different and rare. Everyone went to see the exhibition, not because they knew him, but because he had become famous.  A unique painting was revealed for the first time before everyone's eyes. It was an immense canvas, with huge hazel eyes painted on it. The colours varied on the white background, the presence of vibrant brown, opaque yellow, hopeful green could not be detected... the change in the colours, the dexterity of the drawing, the art absorbed by the canvas, made everyone look at the centre of the eyes. And the centers of the eyes, were painted with a depth color from which it was impossible to leave.

F. JaBieR


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