Psalm 23 3/4

That man is my shepherd and he will not be without any good thing.
Among the green "Washingtones" he will be able to rest,
because my sweat to his rest leads.
Restore my soul,
numbs my senses of conscience,
to gain popularity.
When his valley is in the shade, he sells us the free word of God,
he says to himself the chosen one and hides in his mansion.
The shepherd guard against the wolves, the tithe of the lambs.
His rod and his staff have melted several heirs.
It has passed on the table, on the bed, on the floor,
anointed with perfume,
with the cup overflowing and demons exorcising.
Certainly, he knows all the tricks, tricks and cunning,
Many will follow him to the house of the Lord,
but that my shepherd, travels in a private jet to where he wants to land.
F. JaBieR


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