Red silk habit
I turned 15, Sister Inés came to the parish. She was a humble young woman, very
pretty, in her twenties, a new nun in deluxe edition, a potential Eve. As my
mother said at home, she had been transferred to our parish by direct orders of
the bishop. Sunday after Sunday she sat on the corner of the bench, which
placed me very close to her divine grace, since my mother insisted on always
sitting in the first seats so that my father would not fall asleep. On a Lenten Sunday Sister Inés came to talk
to my mother and told her about the altar boys' courses that she was going to
offer in the midst of the scarcity of resources. Then she asked me if I wanted
to be a member of the altar boys. I replied that I had to think about it, I was
never completely devoted. When I arrived home my mother began to speak as if
she had already accepted, she really wanted her son to be part of a religious
group. The following Sunday I approached
Sister Inés and told her that I would join the group of altar boys. Classes
were held on Fridays. In a short time, I mastered everything there was to know,
and it wasn't very difficult either. After being ready to be an active part of
the Mass, I deviated a little from my apocryphal plans and gave up
participating. However, I couldn't miss a Sunday Mass, my mother wouldn't let
me defect from the parish. In exchange for that, she allowed me to sign up for
sports groups.
the time I was almost eighteen, I was a real sportsman, which did me a favor.
At that age the girls fought over me, so I had several girlfriends until I
received the Lord's call, my mother with an "ear pull" took me to
church. Voluntarily re-inserted into the parish, I had no choice but to balance
sport and prayer. To soften my mother, I decided to serve as an altar boy. That
made her happy, her son in an offering to God. On the day of my first mass I
had to bring the water and the wine to their place, that's why I was practicing
before, behind the altar, to do it perfectly. Unfortunately, on my white shirt
impeccably ironed by my mother, a few drops fell. In my mind everything had
been ruined, if my mother found out she would kill me, once for staining the
shirt and once for throwing the blood of Christ on me, I heard the gnashing of
teeth, my condemnation. Immediately, I went to Sister Inés, who hastily tried
to solve my problem, she could always be trusted and her gratitude. I went to
the bathroom to hide from my mother, Sister Inés approached the door and said to
me: "take off your shirt, I will wash it while you are at Mass and put
this one on". I did so, but after so much running away from my mother I
had forgotten what was going on outside.
I half opened the door to give my dirty and stained shirt to Sister Inés,
at the same time that I asked her for the shirt she would wear, one that in
fact was quite squeezed, I was sure that my mother would notice it. Sister Inés
opened the door with a half-sided smile. She looked at me from top to bottom.
Her hands helped me get dressed, without haste, "the sport did you
good," she whispered. It accommodated me from top to bottom, it
accommodated the folds that formed a little below the waist, the sound of the
bells reclaimed me, the bells rang and echoed inside me. He took my shirt and
my words. I went out to the altar, I had to stand right in front of the bench
on which Sister Inés sat, it took her a long time to arrive, but she did not
miss Mass. While Father Joshua preached, I felt the eyes of Sister Inés looking
at what was under her cassock, mine. That Sunday I heard nothing of the word of
God, I only felt slaps that went down my back and ended in the buttocks, my
forehead was sweating to think that the nun knew the secret I was hiding in
front of everyone. The Mass became eternal, all the pagan ideas swarmed through
our minds, through the morbid minds that watched me from the benches, while
they kneeled, to pray. When it was over, my mother went to the back of the
altar to embrace me, she was proud to the sky.
Sister Inés interrupted the hug and congratulated my mother for having
such a good son. She asked my mother for time to congratulate me alone. We
walked away, she gave me my clean shirt and told me to put it on before my
mother came back. I walked away to go change in the bathroom, but she stopped
me. Whisper: "Don't go, I don't want to miss the best of the show. Fearing
my mother's return, I immediately changed all my clothes. My mother came back
calling me, it was taking a long time. That Sunday afternoon everything in my
head started spinning. When I turned eighteen I didn't go back to church, I got
away from everything. My family shouted in the sky, to the right of the father
and to the left of the Holy Spirit and at the feet of the Virgin. Banished from the sky, for my mother I was
just one more son, a very sinful one, one who 5 years later took Inés to dinner
at home, wearing an apple red silk suit, a color that we incrusted in our teeth
before exile.
F. JaBieR
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